Incredible new film based on a true story: “The Firing Squad”


I’ve just watched the most moving film that will be premiering in theaters nationwide this coming August 2, 2024! You’ll want to watch for its release later this summer. Based on the true story of a pair of drug runners (a Brit and an American) caught and imprisoned in Indonesia…and sentenced to die…in a matter of three months. Let me tell you more about the film version of the lives of these men. They suddenly have no power; but the power of Christ can still prevail in the places of deepest darkness.

“You have been found guilty of drug offenses in our country and will now be executed by firing squad. Do you have any last words?” –“The Firing Squad”

The film, the actors, and its supporters

  • It is based on a TRUE STORY that happened just a few years ago (2015). “They faced death. And chose life.”
  • It stars James Barrington, Kevin Sorbo (“God’s Not Dead”, “Let There Be Light”), and Cuba Gooding, Jr.
  • It will premier in up to 2,500 theatres as early as August 2024 across the nation
  • The filmmakers have been supported by Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), Calvary Chapel, Pastor Greg Laurie, NACC, Baptist Press, Christian Cinema, NRB, Kay Arthur, Precept Ministries, The Christian Post, The Fish Radio, Rebecca St. James, Family Christian, Lifeway Christian Resources, Talbot Seminary, Biola University, Dallas Theological Seminary, Baptist News, Daystar TV, Evangelical Press Association, Life Surge, and others
  • It’s supported by the Marketing Teams behind ‘The Passion of the Christ’, ‘Son of God’, ‘Sound of Freedom’

My thoughts about “The Firing Squad”

What a remarkable film. And what a story. Peter loves his life. He says that he isn’t a “drug dealer,” he’s a “drug runner!” And to him there’s a wide gulf between the two. Apparently he never thinks past his initial deliveries to those who’ll be taking his “product” to the end users. But the courts and police in Indonesia? They are thinking of that. And the penalty for drug running/dealing in that country? Death. By firing squad.

Do you ever wake up and realize your life has no purpose?”

“Are you high?”

… “I just want to know that there is more than this. That there’s meaning out there somewhere.”

–Morgan Davis and Peter Lone, drug runners, from “The Firing Squad”

The glamorous, rich life that Peter and his business partner live is something else. There’s international travel. Fabulous art. Amazing cars. Private planes. All powered by the large-scale sale of drugs. And it all evaporates like a wisp of smoke, leaving the two imprisoned to die in a foreign prison.

Interestingly, inside the prison is a a man, Pastor Lynbrook (Kevin Sorbo), who’s preaching the gospel. Peter is NOT interested. Maybe he can get out of this situation! Maybe he can escape! But eventually—he accepts the Bible that Lynbrook offers him. And God’s Word speaks to him.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. –John 3:16, The Holy Bible

This movie captured my attention and my heart all the way to the very moving end. All I can say is bring your handkerchiefs. Jesus is still in the business of transforming lives; and Peter Lone’s and Samuel Wilson’s (played by Cuba Gooding, Jr.) are unbelievably moving stories of His work in the hearts of people!

Watch the trailer for “The Firing Squad” here!

“Hallelujah. He is risen. He is risen indeed!”

Check out the official film website of “The Firing Squad” here

“The Firing Squad” website

Be blessed! And keep an eye out for this movie. It truly has the potential to change a life–and bring the always-good news of the gospel of Christ to viewers. –Wren

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions shared by me are my honest and personal ones.

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