Beautiful gift for Mom: “The Weekly Habits Project” Journal (review & giveaway, ends 6/2/24)

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We are just past Mother’s Day 2024…but I have the most gorgeous AND useful journal that would be a lovely belated gift for Mom! Or, for yourself or for a loved one. Zondervan’s The Weekly Habits Project is so beautiful, but it doesn’t stop only at beauty. It invites the reader on a journey of gentle growth, shaped around Scriptures, that is something I was totally looking for myself but didn’t know just how to find. FrontGate Media provided a copy of The Weekly Habits Project and it has been a graciously-designed delight to use. Let me tell you more–plus, you can enter to win your own copy!

About The Weekly Habits Project from the publisher

The Weekly Habits Project: A Challenge to Journal, Reflect, and Make Tiny Changes for Big Results is a year-long guided journal designed to inspire and support individuals on their journey to personal growth and spiritual development. This book is part of “The Weekly Project Series” and stands out as a compassionate companion that encourages readers to celebrate progress over perfection.

Here’s a closer look at what the book offers:

  • Guided Reflection: Each week, the journal presents a practical theme focuses on godly growth, accompanied by a short yet powerful Bible verse for reflection and meditation. It serves as a source of inspiration to guide thoughts and jumpstart the habit-building process.
  • Journaling Prompts: The book provides throughfully crafted prompts and ample space for readers to chronicle their journey toward real, lasting change. It’s a space to document progress, setbacks, and insights as one navigates through the challenges of cultivating new habits.
  • Calming Imagery: The journal showcases colorful photography and gentle watercolors, creating a visually soothing experience that complements the reflective nature of the journaling process.
  • Durable Design: With a beautiful ribbon marker, readers can easily keep their place in the journal. The book’s size and design make it convenient to carry in a tote bag or place on a nightstand, ensuring it’s always within reach for daily reflections.
  • Versatile Use: The Weekly Habits Project is perfect for New Year’s goal setting or starting new habits at any time of the year. It fits well into various life stages, making it an ideal gift for friends or oneself, especially for those who enjoy the other books in the series.

Overall, The Weekly Habits Project is more than just a journal; it’s a tool for transformation, offering a structured yet flexible approach to building the spiritual, mental, and emotional habits that many long to cultivate.”

My thoughts and experiences with The Weekly Habits Project journal

The Weekly Habits Project journal has been immensely attractive to me. It is so visually appealing to me. I love the color scheme (I’m definitely a green gal) and the beautiful photos and floral paintings inside. The whole journal just says, “restful” to me, and I’m definitely in a season of my life where that is a desire and a hope. The linen cover has a nice feel. And the green satin bookmark just completes the whole beautiful package.

I like the “weekly” organization of the book. While I’m more used to journals that are organized in a “daily” fashion, my mornings do sometimes get hectic and I don’t always make it to the daily writing routine. There are two facing pages devoted to each of the 52 weeks which contain spaces for writing, Scriptures, and a meaningful devotional idea. Overall, the book’s message is about moving the reader to new things, new habits, and new ways of thinking about the things we do every day. That really resonates with me!

Like the four seasons in a year, The Weekly Habits Project has these four sections with weekly devotional writings:

  • Our Minds: Giving Our Thoughts to God
  • Our Hearts: Giving Our Feelings to God
  • Our Hands: Giving Our Actions to God
  • Our Everything: Being Made Whole in God

Something interesting that I’m thinking about the weekly organization of this journal is that often, I do one day’s Bible study (or journaling, or reading); and as soon as it’s over, I’m on to the next thing or the next day. Having a week to continue to refer back to a Bible verse or questions can help me to gain a glimpse of the bigger picture of my life, not just my own daily to-do lists or appointments. Which I’m believing will allow me to even see more of that as I look back at different seasons or the end of the year. Very cool.

I love this book, and really the whole series. You can find out more about The Weekly Series by watching the book trailer below. I recommend this beautiful journal for you, or as a gift for someone you love. It can help create a lovely, peaceful oasis of time, thought, prayer, and hopeful change. Unique and wonderful!

Check out The Weekly Series from Zondervan here

Zondervan’s Weekly Series offers 6 books designed to help you grow spiritually, but also, overall as a human, in 5 different areas of your life. (Plus one for kids!) The books are beautiful and contain rich content for the reader to gently work through, week by week, over the course of a year. The series includes these books:

  • The Weekly Habits Project
  • The Weekly Prayer Project
  • The Weekly Faith Project
  • The Weekly Gratitude Project
  • The Weekly Self-Care Project
  • The Weekly Prayer Project for Kids

The books have linen covers with beautiful artwork both inside and out. They include weekly devotional ideas and thoughts along with guided questions and lines for jotting down ideas, prayers, or other thoughts. I really love the idea of the whole series and would love to, little by little or year by year, work through each book. (I actually already purchased The Weekly Prayer Project!)

Enter to win a copy of The Weekly Habits Project

You can enter to win a copy of The Weekly Habits Project from Blessed Freebies! Giveaway closes on 6/2/24. US residents only; must be 18 or older to win. To enter, just click on the link below that says “Enter here!” That will take you to the entry form where you can enter. Best wishes!

Enter here!

And you can purchase The Weekly Habits Project here!

Like me, I think you’ll be enthralled with this series. I’m looking forward to expanding my own Weekly Series myself. You can purchase The Weekly Habits Project at the link below–plus all the other books in the series as well!

Purchase The Weekly Habits Project here

Enjoy! –Wren

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from FrontGate Media. All opinions shared here are my own.