Enter this beautiful Mama Book Basket Giveaway! (ends 6/20/24)

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Hi my friends!

We are just a bit past Mother’s Day 2024…and headed toward Father’s Day this month…but I still have some lovely goodies you could win for yourself or a special loved one, thanks to The BlogAbout Blogger Network! I am so excited to share a most wonderful Mama Book Basket Giveaway with you. One entrant will win these three beautiful Mom-ish books. Let me tell you more about them and then, you can enter to win this trio: Mended, I Love You, Mom!, and Gimme Some Sugar!

More on each book in the giveaway:

About Mended

Cowritten by Blythe Daniel and her mom Helen McIntosh, Mended: Restoring the Hearts of Mothers and Daughters invites readers into the conversations that moms and their girls need to have to heal, repair, and rebuild their relationships. This book is full of helps and wise words on pursuing forgiveness, restoration, and healthy conversation and expectations. And, it’s beautifully written in Blythe’s and Helen’s encouraging, loving voices.

About I Love You, Mom!

From the publisher:

“Written for moms of all ages of children, from infants to adults, I Love You, Mom! gives a voice to the feelings many have about their mom. Going beyond a traditional greeting card, the book is beautifully designed with cheerful full-color artwork in a hardcover package. It contains 25-word gifts, each focused on a character quality for mom and designed to express affirmation and encouragement that moms dream of hearing.

Each devotion includes a Scripture verse, a story about the related word gift or a biblical story, and a pre-written reflection from the perspective of the child to his or her mom using the word gift such as “You are forgiven/fearless/a servant”. Devotions include topics such as leaving a legacy, making time for yourself, choosing joy, connection, serving one
another, and more.”

This precious book really is a love letter to moms. It includes beautiful artwork (in some of my favorite colors), Bible verses and devotional writings, prayers, and little notes on different subjects (these are written in a child’s voice, as if a mom’s child was writing notes of appreciation). It’s authored by daughter/mother writing team Blythe Daniel and Helen McIntosh. The book is subtitled “Cherished word gifts from my heart to yours,” and it really is just that!

About Gimme Some Sugar!

Here are some words from the publisher about Gimme Some Sugar:

“As we wake to face our struggles of the day, there are two things to help us get through them: hope and humor. Good things from God’s Word can calm your soul and fill you with hope…Gimme Some Sugar offers sensible inspiration that will elevate your day, and encourage you to set your heart and mind on God’s Word while having fun along the way.

Gimme Some Sugar shows ways to add the sweetness of God’s Word to our lives, to think on the good things of God, and to fortify us to deal with our struggles. 

When we set aside time to get before God in prayer, scripture, and meditation, we are refreshed, recharged, and ready to overcome fear or anxiety with the promised goodness of our faith. Linda shares, “My unknown future is in the hands of the all-knowing God.””

Enter to win this Mama book trio!

You can win this beautiful trio of mama books! To enter, just click on the link below that says, “Enter here!” That will take you to a Giveaway Tools page, where you’ll be able to enter to win these three lovelies in a variety of ways. US entrants only; must be 18 and older to win. Giveaway closes on 6/20/24. Best wishes!

Enter here!

Enjoy! –Wren

Disclosure: I received copies of these books from The BlogAbout Blogger Network. All opinions shared here are my own.

17 thoughts on “Enter this beautiful Mama Book Basket Giveaway! (ends 6/20/24)

  1. My best advise came from my mom when my son was only 2 months old but was really hungry, mom told me to feed him cereal, it worked he even started sleeping through the night


  2. Pick your battles…don’t sweat the small stuff. Your kids need to learn to make their own decisions. Even if you don’t agree with their decisions, as long as they are not hurting anyone you can let them make mistakes. Just support them, and they’ll eventually choose what’s right.

  3. Pingback: The perfect gift for Dad: “I Love You, Dad!” (review & GA, ends 7/11/24) | finchnwren

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