The perfect gift for Dad: “I Love You, Dad!” (review & GA, ends 7/11/24)

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Have you had a hard time rounding up a great gift for Father’s Day? I admit, sometimes it is a challenge to find something that’s fun, expresses love, and lets Dad know how greatly he is valued and appreciated. This year, I have the perfect gift to tell you about! From author Blythe Daniel and members of her family, comes the wonderful I Love You, Dad! Words to Honor and Humor You. It has been a joy to read and I highly recommend it to you for your family! Let me tell you more about this neat book; plus, The BlogAbout Blogger Network has provided a copy for me to give away to one reader!

From the publisher and authors:

Encourage the Father In Your Life

Providing appreciation and encouragement to your husband or the father in your life can ignite their sense of purpose as the provider and spiritual leader in the home. 

Men fill a role that only they can fill to be Spirit-inspired fathers. A father is important to the family as he teaches his children, and his relationship with God the Father helps shape the spiritual life of the family.

Written by 14-year-old William Daniel, his mother Blythe Daniel, and his grandmother, Helen McIntosh, EdD Counseling Psychology, I Love You, Dad!: Words To Honor and Humor You (May 2024, End Game Press is a colorful, inspirational book to Dads with relatable stories, some witty jokes, and encouragement to reflect on their role as a father. The book encourages dads to:   

  • Understand the continuing purpose God has for his life
  • Offer his strength through forgiveness and humility
  • Find joy in his life and meaning in his work
  • Foster meaningful connections with his children

I Love You, Dad! is the perfect gift book for you and your children to give this Father’s Day! It is full of powerful words to share with Dad and affirm how God equips fathers to receive confidence, extend compassion, and walk out the role that God has specifically given to him. This devotional will strengthen his walk with God and his relationship as a father with his children.”

My thoughts and feelings about this book

I had high expectations for this book–and they were totally met! I’ve had the joy of reviewing Blythe’s and Helen’s book for moms, I Love You, Mom! (check out my review here, plus you can enter to win it and some related books here) and I found it so beautiful and encouraging. Wouldn’t you know, this talented writing family realized that dads needed a meaningful book of their own. And voilà! Now they do, in I Love You, Dad!

“God planned you, and He did it even before the creation of the world. You are not a mistake, and your life as a dad is not either.

I Love You, Dad!, p. 23

This devotional is packaged in a nice bluish-green book with a matching argyle print design on its spine. The book is smooth and just the right size and weight to comfortably hold. There’s an inscription page (because of course kids will want to sign their gift to Dad!), a page with a handsome opening Bible verse, and then, a note to Dad from the authors. Then, there are devotional-sized chapters about fatherhood; its joys, challenges, and richness. Each chapter includes a colorful page entitled, “Have A Laugh!” with clean and funny jokes from William (who’s already published one joke book of his own, You’re Joking Me!), then closes with a kind and affectionate note to dads and a Bible verse.

How I love this book! (I promise you, Moms, you’ll want to sneak in some reading time with I Love You, Dad!, yourself!) It includes so many rich words and topics written especially to a dad’s heart, like perseverance, one’s thought life, legacies, and taking time to rest. Perhaps we don’t always know just how to express our appreciation to the dads in our lives, for all that they do and contribute to children’s lives and hearts. What an enormous role dads play; and what a difference a loving and involved dad can make. I highly recommend this book to you for the dads in your life. When they can take a moment to sit down and consider its knowledge and understanding, it will encourage and bless them. I Love You, Dad! really lives out the Biblical wisdom from Proverbs 25:11: “A word spoken at the right time is like golden apples on a silver tray.” Father’s Day is the perfect moment to offer these good words to Dad!

Where you can purchase I Love You, Dad!

I Love You, Dad! is available at both online and brick-and-mortar booksellers. I’ve shared a couple of online links below.



A great reflection upon how we should view work comes from Martin Luther King, Jr., who said, “If it falls to your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, like Shakespeare wrote poetry, like Beethoven composed music; sweep streets so well that all of the host of Heaven will have to pause and say, “Here lived a great street sweeper, who swept his job well.”

I Love You, Dad!, p. 35

Enter to win your own copy of I Love You, Dad!

The BlogAbout Blogger Network has provided a gorgeous copy of I Love You, Dad! for one entrant to win! To enter to win this book, simply click on the link below that says, “Enter here!” That will take you to a Giveaway Tools entry form, where you’ll be able to enter to win in a variety of ways. Giveaway closes on 7/11/24. US entrants only. One entrant will be selected to win. Best wishes, and Happy Father’s Day!

Enter here!

Enjoy! –Wren

Disclosure: I received this book from The BlogAbout Blogger Network. All opinions and thoughts shared in this post are my own.

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