6 Ways You Can Recharge and Relax

It seems as though women are always looking for ways we can relax, recharge and reboot.  All of us seem to wear many hats; work, family, relationships.  And I think that women often get so busy in caring for others or serving that they don’t always take care of themselves.

Which, over time, can definitely be unhealthy!

Here are some things that we enjoy doing when we have a moment to recharge.

From Wren:

An at-home manicure

My current fave:  OPI's Significant Other Color

My current fave: OPI’s Significant Other Color

I never used to do my nails.  But a couple of years ago, I was sidelined by a couple of surgeries.  There wasn’t a lot of active stuff I could do, for a long time.  But one day, I remembered that I did have some beautiful nail polishes.  I thought, eureka!  I painted my nails and I discovered that the entire process was therapeutic, both during and after.  I think it’s just the doing of something that has a beautiful end result.  But the process is wonderful, too.  You have to give a little attention and focus to what you’re doing; but you’re not working calculus problems.  So you paint, and let dry; then paint and let dry.  Add a top coat for protection and you have a week’s worth of pretty nails, just for setting aside a little time on Sunday.  Or Saturday.

And, there are SO many beautiful, and even non-toxic, nail polishes out there today.  Finch and I both love OPI (although she does the gel polishes and I just use the regular).

Here are some of the colors I’m getting ready to enjoy this spring!

Spring polish faves

Spring polish faves

  • OPI’s “Toucan Do It If You Try” (I love a good coral)
  • OPI’s “Gargantuan Green Grape”
  • Nicole by OPI’s “Teal Me Something New”

Reading a wonderful story

Books really minister to me.  And, while I often have good intentions of reading nonfiction, I generally make it only halfway through before my attention is captured by story.  Story nourishes my soul in ways that nonfiction, however helpful it might be, never does.  Story captures my imagination, lifts my spirits and encourages my heart.

Here are some of my recent reads that I loved!a March 2015 053


Creating arta Fall 2014 231

Before I was a mom, I’d have told you that I was a crafty person.  But artistic?  No, not really.  I’ve always been more of a words person.

When my son was young, however, I discovered that he LOVED doing art together.  That started me on an art journey that has been both fascinating and uplifting.  We do art together as a family, and I also have my own art journal that I work in from time to time.  But I do have to say that I enjoy doing it with others most of all!

I’ve discovered that just the process of sitting down and doing art is incredible.  We think of something we’d like to paint, and we get out the watercolor box, paper and water.  Generally, my son works on his art and I work on mine.  We do art with science, art with geography, and art for art class.  And it’s all wonderful.

Sitting down to do art forces you to clear your mind and thoughts of worry, to-do lists, or anything else that’s consuming your moments.  You’re thinking instead of which color to use, what shapes to draw, and what you’re thinking you’d like the finished product to appear as.  That in itself is incredible.  Then, the whole process creates such a peaceful atmosphere.

And, because we like to do art together, we have focused time for conversation.  When you’re all working on something you’re creating, conversation flows easily and relationships are encouraged.  What a great thing to do together as a family…or by yourself!  Even if you’d never describe yourself as artistic, I totally encourage you to try this out.

Enjoy!  –Wren

From Finch:

Sometimes it’s not always the physical challenges that can exhaust you, often I find that dealing with emotionally draining issues, negativity in people and sheer overload of the senses are what I need to recharge from. Add in self inflicted trauma; excessive worry, self doubt, obsessing about something, imagined fears and now you are desperate to recharge your physical and mental self. Here are my top 3 ways to recover each day.

  1. Reading a fabulous book (fiction): reading is truly an escape for me, I immerse myself in the plot and characters, be it a complex novel or lighthearted romance.
  2. Surrounded by my animals: This usually takes place in bed; everyone cuddling, purring and snoring…so restful and surrounded by love.
  3. Assisting my husband in the kitchen: because I’m following directions and assisting him it brings us closer and inevitably laughter ensues.

There are some things I do throughout the day that can reduce emotional exhaustion…I laugh, a lot (often at myself)! Then I take time to be thankful for the blessings that my family and I have. Life can be pretty spectacular if you live as much as possible in the present..something I struggle with a bit, but it’s a goal.

Enjoy and share! Finch

75 thoughts on “6 Ways You Can Recharge and Relax

  1. I am with you on recharging ourselves as women. We definitely get lost in motherhood and tend to forget about ourselves. I just recently picked up a book for myself since I have not read a full book in probably four years : / As for nail polish that usually only goes on if I am heading to a wedding.

  2. These are such great tips! I’m with you, Wren, I hardly ever did my nails, but when I was pregnant, it helped me feel prettier when I just felt big and bulky 😉 Plus it was relaxing! Also books always relax me, and I love your ideas about doing things together with your family members. My hubby and I are trying to find things we like to do together – and we do like cooking and eating together 🙂

  3. Wren & Finch: Looks like we have some things in common 🙂 I like in home manicures too, especially since I discovered Insta-Dri polish my Sally Hanson (two coats dry in about 10 minutes)! And laughter…yes! I’m can be a very serious, down to business type of person and laughter (and my children) help remind me not to take myself too seriously. Thanks for sharing!

    • Hey Tiffany! I have heard that polish is amazing! Love those quick-dry versions.

      Hope you have a lovely, laughter-filled weekend!

  4. Ahh…recharging and relaxing sounds so inviting right now! I love that you shared an at home manicure. It gives insight to who you are! Although, our ideas of recharging and relaxing are much different, the reality is that we as moms and wives desperately need it! I love your thoughts and ideas!

  5. Thanks for the recharge/relax ideas. I’m so glad to see Jan Karon has a book out that I haven’t read. So thanks for that great photo as well…I can’t wait to read that book! My next recharge!!!

    • Karon’s Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good was one of my favorite Mitford reads in recent years. Let us know what you think of it! 🙂

  6. I always love unwinding with a good book! I just get lost in the story and leave behind all the things I have to think about in life. Thank you for sharing your tips!

  7. Your post gives us ladies an important reminder. We need to recharge and relax. So often we are busy taking care of or doing something for others that we forget to/or choose not to take care of ourselves. And thanks for sharing the “colors of spring”. I don’t paint my fingernails because of doing farm work and chores, but I am looking forward to trying some of those colors on my toes this summer!

    • I am totally with you, Kelly. My toenails stay unpainted all winter long. But I love sandal season and happy toenails in the summer! 🙂

  8. You both have given some excellent suggestions for recharging. I’m sitting here at the computer, and I’m feeling quite tired. Why do we feel so guilty for needing to recharge? I love the idea of reading a good book. I’m always trying to read some nonfiction selection, but fiction is just so much more relaxing for me.

    • I am with you, Elaine! I used to feel so guilty myself. But it really makes our entire life and relationship scope better, doesn’t it?

      You and I feel the same way about nonfiction! It’s like (to me, anyway) taking fish oil tablets. I know they’re good for me but I DON’T want to take them. I know I can benefit from reading nonfic titles but they almost always feel wearing—rather than recharging–to me.

  9. Thanks for the reminder that I need to clear my mind. With running my own business, it seems like I never get away from work and problems. I don’t take time for myself very often. You reminded me that if I would take some time every day to clear my mind, I would probably be a lot more effective and efficient at work. I liked your suggestions. I do like to read, but have never painted my nails or done any art. Thanks for the new things to try.

  10. What a good idea. Laugh and be thankful. I like these ideas and want to incorporate them in my life. Life can get too serious and it does feel good to laugh. And I always feel better when I count my blessings. I used to write in my planner every day, something that I was thankful for. I am going to start doing that again.

    • Ben, I LOVE that idea!

      Thank you so much for sharing it! It’s a great thing. I really think we have to remind ourselves of our blessings, especially in tougher times.

      I appreciate your comment!

  11. I like your suggestion that you need to clear your mind. Running my own business, it seems like I am always thinking about work. I think that if I could clear my mind every day, I would be more effective and efficient at work and not be so uptight all the time. I do like to read, but painting my nails and art have never been anything I have done before. I will have to try them out. Thanks for the good ideas.

    • I am sure you ARE busy! I actually thought about starting an online business this year, but the start-up time and work was overwhelming. (I’ve put it on the back burner for now.) Thank you for your insightful comments. I hope you can indeed find some great ways to relax and renew!

  12. Great post!

    The one thing I have to say is that I am actually a dad but I do hear you with getting so busy on taking care of others! One of my favorite things to “treat” myself with is a good book.

    Thanks for sharing!

    • Hi Alan!

      Yes, dads can definitely fall into that same habit of life.

      And you are so right….books ARE an amazing treat!

      Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  13. I definitely read as a way to relax. I like doing my nails, but I just never seem find to do it. I enjoy the feeling though when I take the time. I probably should do it more often.

    • I always felt the same way about my nails, Jen! In fact if I hadn’t been sidelined by those surgeries I don’t know if I’d ever have picked up the habit. But I certainly do enjoy it.

      Books are a MAJOR relaxation and blessing to me!

  14. These are great suggestions! I agree painting your nails is a nice ‘pick me up’ and I love your blog template (it’s the same one I picked for my blog! Great minds think alike!)

  15. Great post for me to read on a Friday – it’s been a long week and I’m ready to recharge and relax too. You’ve inspired me to pick up a book (well, download an ebook anyway) because I DO love reading, but I rarely set aside time to do it. Do you guys have any recommendations for me? I like sci-fi stuff about society in the future, thrillers, mysteries, adventures and things that keep me guessing. I’m probably too old for the stuff (I’m 34) but in terms of movies (and a few books) I’ve gotten into the young adult stuff like The Hunger Games, Divergent, etc.

    • Hey, Jennifer!

      I did read a great YA sci-fi book this year that I reviewed called “Jupiter Winds” by C.J. Darlington. Very interesting and unexpected, same genre as the ones you mentioned. I also loved Billy Coffey’s “In the Heart of the Dark Wood,” which isn’t sci-fi but more supernatural suspense. Loved them both.

      Have a great weekend!

  16. With the hustle and bustle of busy days at work, I often forget to relax and recharge myself. Great ideas to help me re-charge and be the best “me” I can be!

  17. Creating art is something I do to relax, too. I just hate cleaning up after myself. This may sound strange but I also relax by plugging in to Pandora and cleaning to 1990s radio. It’s a win/win. I get to rock out, get up and get moving, and my house gets clean.

    • Oh, that’s so fun to hear! I love doing the art but for me it’s the setting aside a space to work that I dislike. We have to use our dining room table for art, eating, homeschooling, blogging…..and it usually has a few things on it. Move the things. Draw back the tablecloth. Put down cardboard or a mat to work on.

      But once I can get started it is all good!

      Love your idea of cleaning to music!

    • We don’t watch a ton of tv shows together (except for AFV…can you tell that I too have a son?) but we do love watching movies together!

  18. Last year I think I only read two maybe three books. This year I have already read three and am almost done with my fourth. I had been feeling to stressed out and not giving myself enough time with a new baby and all. This year I told myself I was going to change that, and so far have done pretty good. ☺

  19. I can always use some good recharging tips. I tend to burn the candle at both ends. I like to talk a walk to recharge.

  20. I take what I call recharge weekends periodically. I get away from home for a couple of nights and do whatever. I usually have a camera with and possibly my painting supplies. Most recently was a road trip to one of my favorite towns in Minnesota and all the beautiful scenery that is by it.

  21. Reading, reading, reading. I’ve got way too many books in my house and way too many on my kindle, but I love to read, too!

  22. What you do to recharge is really important, I’ve learned. Watching tv often leaves me feeling the same – unchanged, sometimes unrelaxed still. Sometimes I’m too tired to paint but I’m never too tired to read. Something about reading always relaxes and recharges me. Good reminders!

    • Thank you, Christy! You are right. TV generally energizes me more than it calms me. But it’s still good, in its place.

  23. Yes, finding those little ways to recharge is so important. I too recently found painting my nails to be a sweet pause in a too busy day. My only issue with that…I have a hard time waiting long enough to let my nails fully dry!

    • You are so right! Sometimes I paint my nails right before I do the stationary bike. That actually gives perfect drying time!

  24. “Everyone cuddling, snoring, and purring . . . ” My favorite thing in the world! Sometimes my husband will lay on the couch with his feet in my lap while I’m reading an assignment for college and our cat is smooshed between me and the arm of the couch. It really is the little things sometimes . . .

  25. I love doing my nails, Wendy. It’s so therapeutic and oh so relaxing. I love experimenting too — just recently I have been interested in sparkly gems and different tools that help achieve more professional look. In fact I’ll have a post up on my blog in the morning about imitation of chain made of tiny beads, I’d love you to check it. 🙂

  26. I wish I had the patience to do my own nails, and I have a crazy work schedule so it really is a treat when I can do a mani-pedi. My hubby is also the cook in the home, so I love being his assistant!

  27. I love those nail polish colors! My 3 year old has been doing my nails lately, which isn’t quite the same, but still fun. I wish I had more time to read, but it’s hard to find quiet to make it happen. I love to bake when I want to relax. Which really translates to making and eating cookie dough.

  28. Reading is my all time escape. I have to do it at night after kids go to bed though or I tend to get so caught up in my books that I forget to take care of them. lol

  29. Recharging is so important, but we don’t always take the time to do it. Thank you for providing some great ideas. I love doing artwork and am definitely going to try to fit that into my schedule. Also reading is something I used to do on a regular basis, but have not read anything in quite some time. I think a trip to the library is in order. Thanks for sharing!!!

    • I really do believe that it can make all the difference in a life. Recharging and taking a few quiet moments for ourselves can enable us to take a snapshot of where we really are, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is necessary!

  30. I wish I could do my nails to relax, but 1) my nails are square, ugly and never really grow nicely and 2) I can’t keep my hand steady enough to do a neat enough nail polish job, which is one of the reasons why I stick with lighter shades. I would LOVE to be able to do all of the cool things I see on Pinterest. Works of art! Speaking of art, that’s how I relax. Drawing, painting, and doing mixed media are great releases for me.

  31. Thanks for the suggestions. It is great to have a way to wind down at the end of the day or week. We have to recognize what we personally need and appreciate the things in our lives.

  32. I absolutely love to read and sadly I never seem to have enough time to do it. But this article reminds me I need to make time. I also like the idea of a DIY mani-pedi. That would be fun. Thanks for these wonderful ideas!

  33. It is SO important to recharge, but it gets put off because there is always something else “important” that needs doing. Thanks so much for the reminder!

  34. Can you believe that I actually forgot that giving myself can be relaxing? I am so going to do that on Friday! I guess when life gets hectic, and we are busy taking care of others, we forget to take care of ourselves, and recharging is so important to our overall health!

  35. Thank you for this post. I love to read a book – almost any book – in quiet. It does not happen often. I love to grab a book, curl up in a blanket, have a mug of hot cocoa, and just read. I love your suggestions on different ways we can recharge. ~Adrienne

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