Allison Allen’s exceptional “Seen, Secure, Free” (a review)

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Oh my friends. I have something comforting, meaningful, and encouraging for you to read. The book is Seen, Secure, Free: How a Life Hidden with Christ Strengthens and Transforms You. Allison Allen’s book is a tender, Scripture-based answer to the siren call of our culture, which we may not always realize can be pulling us to become the opposite of what Jesus calls us to be. Drawn from Paul’s letter to the Colossians, woven with the author’s own life and learning and a single, beautiful seashell, this book will take you aside, whisper God’s love to your heart, and help you to set your minds on a different call.

About Seen, Secure, Free

From the publisher:

In a world that screams, “Be seen! Be known!” and often measures value by likes, shares and follows, it’s easy to feel invisible, unheard, unloved. But God’s Word offers a powerful and freeing counternnarative: true treasure is actually found in the “hidden” life of Christ.

Somewhere along the way, we’ve confused our level of visibility with our value. We’ve mixed up fame with fruitfulness. We’ve equated exposure with excellence. But what if we stopped trying so hard to be seen, recognized, and affirmed by the world around us? What if there’s a different way of living altogether? In Seen, Secure, Free, Allison Allen delves into Colossians 3:3, reminding us of the profound truth that our lives are hidden with Christ in God. Through captivating insights drawn from nature, history, and Scripture, she invites readers to embrace a different way of living—one that transcends the relentless pursuit of recognition and applause from the world. Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll discover within the pages of this transformative book:

  • Let go of the pressure to be recognized and praised by others
  • Release the resentment that comes from feeling unseen or misunderstood
  • Find contentment in a loving God who knows you deeply
  • Find security in a powerful God who establishes your identity, worth, and purpose
  • Reset your motivations and goals to align with his kingdom
  • Feel freed to pursue new adventures with Jesus

Seen, Secure, Free offers a timely message of hope and liberation, reminding us that our significance is not determined by our visibility in the eyes of others, but by our hiddenness in Christ. It’s a journey toward embracing the freedom, joy, and transformative power that come from living a life deeply rooted in God’s love.”

My thoughts about this book

This book is about several of my favorite things. First, healing and learning to live more authentically. Second, learning to, in all my weaknesses and foibles, draw nearer to Jesus. And third? Seashells. And the seashore. (I do realize that this adds up to more than three things!) At its heart of hearts, I believe that Seen, Secure, Free wants to help us to do these things. Perhaps not to love the sea and its shells; but, by using a little miracle *from* the sea, Allison helps us to see and understand more clearly the key themes of the book.

Allison Allen speaks to, I believe, women everywhere with her book. It takes the truths of verses from Colossians 3, which speak to freedom and to the devoted life. That verse reads:

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

Colossians 3:1-3, New International Version, The Holy Bible

In Seen, Secure, Free, Allison shares what we can learn from hiddenness. We might be existing in seasons of time where we are sidelined for some unknown purpose; moments where we might feel eclipsed by others’ spotlighted lives and accomplishments; or times of suffering or difficulty that feel as though they will never end. These can bring hopelessness or despair, and can actually become a feedback loop where each supposed “failure” seems like more reinforcement of painful truths we’ve been living out.

And yet. What if, instead, these moments are not at all proofs of what we perceive as our lacks of value or importance. What if they are proofs of our preciousness to God; to His continued and faithful work in our lives; that they have meaning. What if they are intended to reorient our mental compasses to “true north,” where our eyes are fixed on the things above, leaning into and onto Jesus for His definition of our meaning?

I do believe that the answers to those questions are resoundingly, “Yes!” And yet how easily we can forget them, especially in the hard seasons or even the fiery furnaces. By sharing her own struggles and story, the lives of Scripture characters whose lives were “hidden” in some way, and by verses and concepts in the Bible itself, Allison shows us the pathway to knowing God more. Trusting Him with our brokenness. And seeing His good work and faithfulness in and to us.

I’m so happy to recommend this book to you. I’ve been traveling a route of personal healing and learning to, once again, lean into and onto Jesus in recent times. This book has fit beautifully into my own stages of healing and seeking to draw near to God. And wherever you are in your journey, I believe that Seen, Secure, Free will come alongside you to help you in your healing as well.

Keep reading for some of my favorite words from Allison’s book!

Some of my favorite quotes from Seen, Secure, Free

  • “Are you feeling invisible? Insignificant? Or maybe you feel overexposed and fearful? Fluttering about without a place to land? However you answer the question, you have an invitation: Come in close. Build your nest near the Father’s altar. Your Father says you get the best seat in the house of God’s goodness–the altar, where J. Alec Motyer wrote, “sinners are reconciled with a Holy God, and He unto them.”” (p. 148)
  • “Joshua likely knew that every other promised land miracle, the taking of Jericho, and everything else that would follow were possible only because of obedience in the hard hidden season. What is done in the hidden place will remain. And remain.” (p. 133)
  • “I know you are hurting right now, My child, but some of the things you think will help are actually hurting you…I want you to create space. Margin. You are not your social media curations. You are not what you build for consumption. And you are not what you consume.” (pp. 89-90)
  • “But here is the gloriously freeing truth as I grow older, and maybe it will free you a little bit as well: we matter to the One who matters–who sees us, secures us, and ultimately frees us–and that is more than enough. We can allow ourselves to delight in the fact that no matter who may overlook us, our heavenly Father does not. Know that there are communities of His making where we can joyfully contribute and be safely seen. There are places and spaces that need, what we, by His grace, offer. So allow Scripture to wash away the wounding of the world. Allow Jesus to combat the lies we have too long believed. Though none of it is easy, it is so worth it.” (pp. 185-186)

Where you can purchase Seen, Secure, Free

You can purchase this meaningful book at the highlighted link below, which takes you to the book’s Thomas Nelson (publisher’s) page. From there, you can select from a number of your own favorite booksellers to order Seen, Secure, Free.

Purchase link for Seen, Secure, Free

And lastly, friends, be left with the beautiful thought in the image above. Remember that God is running after you!

Be blessed! –Wren

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from FrontGate Media. All opinions shared here are my own honest ones.

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